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Artificial Intelligence Training


Introduction to Python

Python Basics, Python Functions and Packages, Working with Data Structures, Arrays, Vectors & Data Frames, Jupyter Notebook – Installation, & function, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn.

EDA and Data Processing

Data Types, Dispersion & Skewness, Uni & multi Variate Analysis, Data imputation, Identifying and normalizing, Outliers

Applied Statistics

Descriptive Statistics, Probability & Conditional Probability, Hypothesis Testing, Inferential Statistics, Probability Distributions

Supervised learning

Linear Regression, Multiple Variable Linear, Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes Classifiers, k-NN Classification, Support Vector Machinesr

Ensemble Techniques

Decision Trees, Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting

Unsupervised learning

K-means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Dimension Reduction-PCA

Featurisation, Model Selection & Tuning

Feature engineering, Model selection and tuning, Model performance measures, Regularising Linear models, ML pipeline, Bootstrap sampling, Grid search CV, Randomized search CV, K fold cross-validation

Recommendation Systems

Introduction to Recommendation Systems, Popularity based model, Content based Recommendation System, Collaborative Filtering (User similarity & Item similarity), Hybrid Models

Time-series Forecasting

Introduction to forecasting data, Properties of Time Series data, Examples and features of Time Series data, Naive, Average and Moving Average Forecasting, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA Approach

Model deployment

Model serialization- pickle and joblib, Rest APIs- Flask (real-time prediction), Docker Containerization, Kubernetes (using Google cloud)

Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Introduction to Perceptron & Neural Networks, Activation and Loss functions, Gradient Descent, Batch Normalization, TensorFlow & Keras for Neural Networks, Hyper Parameter Tuning

Computer Vision

Introduction to Convolutional, Neural Networks, Introduction to images, Convolution, Pooling, Padding & its mechanisms, Forward Propagation & Backpropagation for CNNs, CNN architectures like AlexNet, VGGNet, InceptionNet & ResNet, Transfer Learning, Object Detection, YOLO, R-CNN, SSD, Semantic Segmentation, U-Net, Face Recognition using Siamese Networks, Instance Segmentation

NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Introduction to NLP, Stop Words, Tokenization, Stemming and lemmatization, Bag of Words Model, Word Vectorizer, TF-IDF, POS Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Introduction to Sequential data, RNNs and its mechanisms, Vanishing & Exploding gradients in RNNs, LSTMs - Long short-term memory, GRUs - Gated recurrent unit, LSTMs Applications, Time series analysis, LSTMs with attention mechanism, Neural Machine Translation, Advanced Language Models: Transformers, BERT, XLNet

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (RL)

RL Framework, Component of RL Framework, Examples of RL Systems, Types of RL Systems, Q-learning

Introduction to GANs (Generative adversarial networks)

Introduction to GANs, Generative Networks, Adversarial Networks, How GANs work?, DCGANs - Deep Convolution GANs, Applications of GANs


  • To identify the potential customers who have a higher probability to churn using ensemble prediction model

  • To cluster the vehicles as per their fuel consumption attributes and later train a regression model for an automobile dataset

  • To create an automation using computer vision to impute dynamic bounding boxes to locate cars or vehicles on the road

  • Implementing an Image classification neural network to classify Street House View Numbers

  • Predicting the condition of the patient depending on the received test results

  • To build a NLP classifier which can use input text parameters to determine the label/s of the blog

  • To build a recommendation system using popularity based and collaborative filtering methods to recommend mobile phones to a user which are most popular and personalised respectively

  • Sarcasm Detection using Bidirectional LSTMs

  • To build a semi-rule based text chat bot which can give static responses to the user depending on the inputs for industrial safety and incidents

  • To build an image classifier and object detection model which can classify a car from an image and identify the location of the car from an image by publishing a bounding box around it

  • To build an image classifier and object detection model which can classify an chest X-ray image into with/without pneumonia disease and identify the location of the chest X-ray where the disease is localised by publishing a bounding box around it

  • To build an image classifier which can classify images of dogs as per their breeds


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